Introducing Virginia Mackay – Communications Intern

Meet our summer communications intern, Virginia Mackay!

With a background in interior decorating and design, Virginia brings a creative perspective to storytelling in communications. Building long-term relationships and ensuring client satisfaction is her focus and priority, while extensive experience with project management and collaborative problem-solving has provided a strong foundation to build her career in communications. Returning to university last year and majoring in public relations, her motto in life is ‘To everything there is a season’, and is embracing learning and growing as an emerging communications professional. We asked Virginia some questions to get to know her better, here is what we found out:

WPRS: How did you get your start in marketing / communications?

Virginia: I have recently returned to university as a mature student to complete my Bachelor of Communications degree. A journey that began many years ago as an aspiring journalism student, turned marketing coordinator for a large North American energy company, to stay-at-home Mom to my three daughters, to small business owner as an interior decorator has culminated in returning to my original passion of writing and communications work. 

WPRS: What’s your favorite social media platform?

Virginia: Definitely Instagram. I love how visual, quick and easy it is to see what my friends and family are up to. I also love interior design, travel and cooking and it is the best platform to find inspiration. Instagram also really wants me to go to Spain soon and I think that’s a great idea.

WPRS: What’s your favorite marketing quote?

Virginia: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

WPRS: What’s your best story?

Virginia: I once drove 20 minutes down Fairmount Drive in Calgary to my first office job without realizing the morning glass of orange juice I was going to enjoy on my drive was sitting on top of my car. At an intersection downtown, a man beside me was trying to get my attention–I thought he was flirting until I realized that my glass of orange juice was sitting on top of my car. 

WPRS: What’s your passion outside of work?

Virginia: I love spending time in the mountains with my family hiking, biking, paddle boarding and relaxing by a lake. My favourite simple joy is curling up with a great book and a bowl of chocolate chips.


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