Summer Reflections: Our Summer Interns Reflect on Their Time at Worthington PR

This summer, we were fortunate to have three incredible interns join our team, each bringing unique talents and fresh perspectives. Over the past few months, they have made significant contributions to a variety of projects, including event management, influencer campaigns and crafting various types of written content, all while demonstrating their skills and dedication to our team. All three of them will be continuing their journey with us into the fall, further strengthening our team and helping move projects forward. Their commitment and enthusiasm have been invaluable and we look forward to seeing the continued impact they’ll make as they grow and evolve with us. Read on to learn more about the valuable experiences they’ve gained this summer.


WPRS: What are a few things you learned during your experience at the agency this summer?

Blake: I’ve discovered that Worthington is a dynamic and ever-changing workplace where no two days are the same. I have had the chance to work on a wide range of projects and gain insights into various aspects of the field. I built confidence in my skills and learned how to manage influencer campaigns, run events, and write diverse materials for different clients. Most importantly, I had the opportunity to learn from some of the best professionals, observing how they tackle problems, interact with clients, and handle tasks.

WPRS: What were your favourite parts of each day? Least favourite?

Blake: My favourite part is not fully knowing what will come across my desk during the day. I usually have a set number of tasks, but there are always unexpected projects or assignments that come my way. I love that we have the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects for different clients. Even more, I enjoy the people I work with—the team is amazing and provides so many learning opportunities. My least favourite part has been the work-from-home days because I don’t get to see Lucy 🙁.

WPRS: What surprised you most about working in an agency environment?

Blake: How much the team relies on each other. Coming in, I expected a lot of teamwork, but I didn’t realize just how much the team collaborates—whether it’s brainstorming ideas, problem-solving, or providing general support on projects.

WPRS: How would you describe the corporate culture at Worthington PR & Story?

Blake: The culture at Worthington PR & Story is lively, fast-paced, and energetic. The team is tightly-knit, and everyone genuinely enjoys working with each other. Collaboration is a key aspect of the environment, with a strong emphasis on supporting one another and celebrating successes together. The open communication and shared enthusiasm make it a place where creativity and innovation thrive.

WPRS: Any stories or advice you would share with fellow students?

Blake: The best way to handle something unfamiliar or intimidating is to jump in headfirst, and never be afraid to ask questions along the way.

WPRS: Overall, describe your experience this summer in one word.

Blake: Enriching


WPRS: What are a few things you learned during your experience at the agency this summer?

Eve: I learned so much and was exposed to so many great opportunities. Some of my learnings include the importance of a work-back schedule, how to execute client television segments and how to plan an event from start to finish. Most significantly, I learned that I am capable and to be confident in my abilities.

WPRS: What were your favourite parts of each day? Least favourite?

Eve: My favourite part of each day is receiving my morning greetings from Lucy, the office dog. I also enjoy team meetings. These meetings are not only practical for staying organized but also offer a welcoming and collaborative space for support. Last, I cherish the peaceful, quiet moments when the office is filled with focused energy—that’s when you know the real magic is happening.

Although it wasn’t an everyday occurrence, my least favourite part of any day was experiencing writer’s block or struggling with creativity. These moments were challenging and sometimes frustrating, but they also served as valuable learning experiences and helped me develop new strategies to overcome creative obstacles.

WPRS: What surprised you most about working in an agency environment? 

Eve: What has surprised me most about working in an agency environment is how much I love it. Before joining Worthington PR & Story, I wasn’t sure if agency life was a good fit for me, but now I see how it aligns with my strongest skills and offers a fast-paced, rewarding atmosphere where I thrive.

WPRS: How would you describe the corporate culture at Worthington PR & Story?

Eve: The corporate culture at WPRS is both motivating and upbeat. Most importantly, it’s genuine. Worthington is the first place where I truly understand what corporate culture means—and I’m fortunate to experience it every day.

WPRS: Any stories or advice you would share with fellow students?

Eve: My relationship with Worthington PR & Story began as a Worthington Learning Lab student, where I had the opportunity to learn from the WPRS team through various Learning Lab sessions. This experience allowed me to build strong relationships with the team, ultimately leading to my being considered for a position when it became available. So, my advice for fellow students is to invest time in building authentic relationships. These relationships often become the foundation for future collaboration, mentorship, and career development. Also, apply for the winter Worthington Learning Lab!

WPRS: Overall, describe your experience this summer in one word.

Eve: Dynamic.


WPRS: What are a few things you learned during your experience at the agency this summer?

Virginia: I learned that you never know what a day at Worthington will bring. With a wide variety of clients and projects, no two days are ever the same and that is also what I loved about my time here. I also learned how collaboration amongst the team is truly valued. I love how everyone is welcomed to contribute, no matter their role. 

WPRS: What were your favourite parts of each day? Least favourite?

Virginia: My favourite part of each day was working on a variety of writing projects – blogs, press releases, articles, and key messaging. I enjoyed the challenge of adapting quickly to different writing tones and styles. I also loved being a part of meetings with our client teams, as well as larger team meetings. The all-team meetings were a great chance to learn more about other agency clients I wasn’t currently working on and hear about the different challenges and opportunities arising. My least favourite part of the day was realizing I forgot to update my parking app at the correct time!

WPRS: What surprised you most about working in an agency environment?

Virginia: I was surprised at how much fun the Worthington team has together. I have worked in other open office environments in the past, and it did not involve as much laughter as I experienced this summer at Worthington. I would say the team at WPRS are definitely a very cohesive, happy group. I was also pleasantly surprised to see a really healthy work/life balance fostered by Paula – mainly because I had heard stories of some agencies where the expectation is you’re always available and working endless hours. There is respect for people’s off hours, but at the same time the team is always there to support one another when needed, so all-in-all a really great working environment to be a part of. 

WPRS: How would you describe the corporate culture at Worthington PR & Story?

Virginia: From my perspective, Paula leads with the belief that everyone has something valuable to contribute and I appreciated that. I learned quickly that if I was interested in working on a client, all I had to do was raise my hand. The opportunity to learn and grow is embedded in the day-to-day culture, with multiple group and one-on-one team meetings. The WPRS team is truly committed to working hard to exceed client expectations and I saw this every day. I also felt my confidence grow thanks to encouragement in my work, alongside constructive feedback that has fueled growth in my communications learning. 

WPRS: Any stories or advice you would share with fellow students?

Virginia: Be open to learning something new everyday. Begin everything with a positive attitude. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and definitely don’t be afraid to fail. Listen first. Ensure you read the news regularly and know what’s happening in the community and world that may impact your clients. If you make a mistake, don’t try and sweep it away –  own it, take accountability and learn from it. 

WPRS: Overall, describe your experience this summer in one word.

Virginia: Enlightening!

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