The Wayfinder Newsletter – May 2024

The Wayfinder Newsletter – May 2024

From your team at Worthington PR & Story

Spring is finally here

I consider myself a fairly patient person. But every year, when spring teases its arrival to Alberta, my impatience to get my garden going becomes evident: I practically will my perennials out of the ground.

Tending a garden is an exercise in patience and nurturing growth. Even in the depths of winter, roots and bulbs are working their magic below the ground until the sun is strong enough for their green stalks to emerge triumphantly above the surface.

Plants understand they need to adjust  with the seasons, and that change is a continuous process.

The same can be said for our organizations and businesses. At a recent entrepreneurship learning day, a simple phrase from a guest speaker struck a chord with me. He said, “What got you here, isn’t going to get you there.”

Let’s think about that for a moment. No matter how much success we achieve, we have to be willing to shift our focus, stretch, and grow differently, every single time. It’s a fun challenge I’ve embraced: every time I want to lean on doing something the way I’ve done it before, I check in myself – What got me here won’t get me there.

As your trusted advisors we are continuously adjusting to the seasons and assessing how change is affecting your organizations. New launches, emerging technologies, the rise in AI, evolving newsrooms, government changes, the pace of social media and reputational risks can all affect your brand. We know what got you here…won’t get you there, and we’re ready.. Let’s keep growing together.

– Paula Worthington

An update from Noble Arrow

Noble Arrow is a new agency-within-an-agency at Worthington PR & Story, dedicated to charities, not-for-profit organizations and changemakers. We work with big and bold brands, but we also believe in supporting changemakers who are making a difference.

Stemming from our deep experience supporting the not-for-profit sector, Noble Arrow has been thoughtfully designed to make our sought-after PR, communications, events and social media services more attainable for any organization. Here is an update on some of the recent work we have done on behalf of Noble Arrow clients: 

The Confluence (formerly Fort Calgary) 

We are proud to have supported The Confluence team with communications strategy and media relations to reveal their new name, brand and a variety of other exciting changes coming to the organization. These highly anticipated announcements culminated in a media event where many of Calgary’s esteemed media gathered to cover this significant transition for this historical place. 

Safe Haven Foundation 

Safe Haven Foundation supports at-risk girls and young women by providing housing and nurturing environments to supplement as a family-like support system. In April, we collaborated with CTV, Calgary Sun and LiveWire Calgary to amplify their latest program, Haven’s Harbour, which aims to empower previously unhoused or at-risk women to pursue post-secondary education and break intergenerational poverty cycles. 

Meet our Newest Team Members!

Meet our newest communications coordinator, Cassie Martin!

Cassie is a seasoned public relations professional with more than 5 years of experience in the industry. She is passionate about crafting compelling stories and enjoys finding the hook or angle in any writing she tackles. She brings ample experience in media relations to the Worthington PR team and holds a special place in her heart for working on charitable campaigns and community interest stories.

In her free time, Cassie loves spending time outdoors, whether that’s playing sports, walking or hiking. She also enjoys reading and checking out new coffee shops and restaurants with friends. 

Meet Our Summer Interns

Blake Marczuk and Virgina Mackay have joined Worthington for their summer internships this year. We couldn’t be more delighted to have them join our team! 

Blake Marczuk

Blake is an emerging communications professional committed to making a meaningful impact through effective communication. Currently in his third year at Mount Royal University pursuing a major in public relations, Blake is channeling his academic insights into practical solutions for real-world challenges.

With a keen eye for detail and a knack for building genuine connections, Blake aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice, applying the lessons he’s learned in school to tackle the complexities of today’s communication landscape. His passion for cultivating meaningful relationships serves as the basis of his approach, as he continuously strives to evolve and adapt in order to deliver compelling narratives that strike a chord with audiences.

Outside of work, Blake enjoys exploring Calgary’s diverse food scene and indulging his passion for cinema by immersing himself in the latest releases or timeless classics.

Virginia Mackay

With a background in interior decorating and design, Virginia brings a creative perspective to storytelling in communications. Building long-term relationships and ensuring client satisfaction is her focus and priority, while extensive experience with project management and collaborative problem-solving has provided a strong foundation to build her career in communications. Returning to university last year and majoring in public relations, her motto in life is ‘To everything there is a season’, and is embracing learning and growing as an emerging communications professional.

Outside of work and school, Virginia loves spending time with her family in the mountains and Fish Creek, cooking delicious meals and relaxing with a book.

Paula x The Karmali Exchange Podcast

Testing, testing, is this thing on? Our very own Paula Worthington took to the mic on The Karmali Exchange Podcast where she discussed communicating a company’s values, responding to criticism and the dos and don’ts of building a brand.

Faisal Karmali engaged Paula in a discussion about hot PR topics, diving into the dynamics between CEO values VS. brand values, as seen in the case of Lululemon. Paula shared pearls of wisdom, including:

  • What it takes to be a “keeper of the brand.” 
  • How do deal with trolls on social media 
  • The key to a strong client relationship is remaining open to new ideas, perspectives and valuing a true collaborative nature.

Watch the whole episode to learn more!

Team Moments

The first half of 2024 has been an energizing time at Worthington PR & Story, filled with client wins, team fun and agency. Here are a few photos below of what we have been up to over the last few months.


Ready to share your story? We’re here to help. Contact Paula at

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