The Wayfinder Newsletter – September 2024

A Note from Paula

As we bid adieu to a fantastic summer, I’m eagerly anticipating the fall. Soup season, back to school, “sweater weather” – no matter what you call it, it’s a time when we can harvest our experiences of the year to date, and establish focus on what we still want to accomplish before the calendar turns again.

At the agency, our summer was filled with vibrant energy, interesting projects, and plenty of high fives as we continued to grow our team and client services. On a personal note, I happily took on two physical challenges this summer: hiking the entirety of Scotland’s West Highland Way (yes, my feet have since forgiven me), and learning a new skill by taking Level 1 sailing lessons on Calgary’s Glenmore Reservoir.

Both the seven-day hike and sailing requires preparation, patience and instinct, with a healthy dose of respect for the power of nature. I enjoyed the physical and mental challenges of both pursuits, while reaping the rewards of being in beautiful surroundings, reaching the summit (or dock, as the case may be) and truly living in the moment.

Read on to learn what’s new at Worthington PR & Story and Noble Arrow – we have lots to share! Thank you as always for your partnership and trust.


Paula Worthington

Meet our newest team member, Keira Prette!

Meet the newest Worthington PR team member, Keira Prette! Keira is passionate about crafting effective marketing strategies that drive brand awareness and growth. In her free time, Keira sits on the board of directors for the Calgary Justice Film Festival. She has a keen interest in film and cinematography, enjoys learning new songs on her guitar and trying different coffee shops with friends.

We asked Keira a few questions to get to know her better! Here is what we learned:

WPRS: How did you get your start in marketing / communications?

Keira: My interest in communications began in high school when I joined the Broadcast Journalism program. That experience led me to Dalhousie University, where I earned a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in marketing. During my degree, I completed three co-op terms that really solidified my passion for digital marketing and crafting the perfect story for the right audience.

WPRS: What’s your favorite social media platform?

Keira: This might be a very Gen Z thing to say, but TikTok is definitely my favourite platform. I love how creative people get on the app, and there’s something for everyone. Whether I’m looking for a good laugh, following my favorite brands, or keeping up with current events, TikTok has it all.

WPRS: What’s your favorite marketing quote?

Keira: “Content marketing is like a first date. If you only talk about yourself, there won’t be a second one.” -David Beebe

WPRS: What’s your best story?

Keira: Growing up, my family moved to several different countries, and when I was 10, we lived in Abu Dhabi. I attended an international school and made a friend from England. One day, while at her house, her mom asked me to put our football uniforms in the boot. I walked over to the shoe rack, completely confused, and started searching for her soccer boots. After about 15 minutes, my friend found me, laughing hysterically, and explained that “the boot” meant the trunk of the car!

WPRS: What’s your passion outside of work?

Keira: Music has always been my passion and go-to stress reliever. I love learning new songs on my guitar and exploring new artists and genres. I’m also a big fan of films, especially those that use music to amplify emotions. On a rainy day, you’ll likely find me cozying up and checking off a movie from my to-watch list.

The Worthington PR Summer Work Experience: Three Success Stories 

This summer, we were fortunate to have three incredible Communications Assistants on our team, each bringing unique talents and fresh perspectives. Eve Workman, who joined our team in September 2023, continued her journey with us full-time this summer, and she was joined by Blake Marczuk and Virginia Mackay. They have made significant contributions to a variety of projects, and all three will be continuing with our team, applying their skills and expertise to diverse client projects. They shared a few highlights of their summer at Worthington PR & Story.

Eve: I learned so much and was exposed to so many great opportunities. Some of my learnings include the importance of a work-back schedule, how to execute client television segments and how to plan an event from start to finish. Most significantly, I learned that I am capable and to be confident in my abilities.

Virginia: I was surprised at how much fun the Worthington team has together. I have worked in other open office environments in the past, and it did not involve as much laughter as I experienced this summer at Worthington. I would say the team at WPRS are definitely a very cohesive, happy group. I was also pleasantly surprised to see a really healthy work/life balance fostered by Paula – mainly because I had heard stories of some agencies where the expectation is you’re always available and working endless hours. There is respect for people’s off hours, but at the same time the team is always there to support one another when needed, so all-in-all a really great working environment to be a part of.

Blake: My favourite part is not fully knowing what will come across my desk during the day. I usually have a set number of tasks, but there are always unexpected projects or assignments that come my way. I love that we have the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects for different clients. Even more, I enjoy the people I work with—the team is amazing and provides so many learning opportunities. My least favourite part has been the work-from-home days because I don’t get to see Lucy (the office dog).

WPRS Team Moments

Encouraging learning opportunities and fostering collaboration is part of our agency’s DNA. Team meetings in a nearby park, wellness sessions, puppy cuddles and a day learning photography in the mountains are some of the summer moments we shared together.

Ready to share your story? We’re here to help. Reach out to Paula Worthington at to inquire about our services.

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