Introducing Cassie Martin – Public Relations Specialist

We are thrilled to introduce the newest member of the Worthington PR team, Cassie Martin! Cassie is a seasoned public relations professional with more than 5 years of experience in the industry. She is passionate about crafting compelling stories and enjoys finding the hook or angle in any writing she tackles. She brings ample experience in media relations to the Worthington PR team and holds a special place in her heart for working on charitable campaigns and community interest stories. We sat down with Cassie to learn more about her interests, here is what we found out:

WPRS: How did you get your start in marketing / communications?
Cassie: I got my start in communications after graduating from Wilfrid Laurier University in 2020. I jumped right into a public relations assistant role at Home Hardware Stores Limited shortly after graduation and fell in love with storytelling and media relations.

WPRS: What’s your favorite social media platform?
Cassie: I am an Instagram girl through and through. I love taking and sharing pictures, but I also use Instagram to find cool restaurants, cafes, shops and activities to try out.

WPRS: What’s your favorite marketing quote?
Cassie: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw

WPRS: What’s your best story?
Cassie: When I was in university, I went to Times Square for New Year’s Eve. My two friends and I had been waiting in the pouring rain since 3pm for the ball drop, and at around 8pm they decided they had had enough and went back to our hotel. I was too stubborn to leave, so I stood alone in Times Square until I worked up the courage to ask four kind-looking strangers around my age if I could stand with them until midnight. Turns out they were Canadians too and students at the university just down the road from mine!

WPRS: What’s your passion outside of work?
Cassie: I love spending time outside, whether that’s going on walks, hiking, or playing sports. I also enjoy reading a good suspense novel, and going for coffee with friends.

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