The Wayfinder Newsletter – June 2022
Communications tip and trends from your team at Worthington PR & Story
A note from Paula
After a tumultuous two years, the brighter days of summer are bringing a dose of optimism, and our team has an extra spring in our step as we start to see a return to in-person meetings, events and planning sessions. It’s never felt so good to see your smiling faces in real life! With this shift, there’s a great opportunity to consider investing in new ways to engage with your teams, the media and customers.
Now is an ideal time to double down your efforts and make an impact. In addition to traditional PR and communications, our team at Worthington PR & Story are seasoned pros when it comes to event planning and production, social media management and stakeholder communications. As we recover from the pandemic, we are seeing a greater surge in events and public activations, a strong desire from clients to bolster their social media presence (including LinkedIn and TikTok) and we are creating solutions to help clients communicate more often with their teams and customers through blogs, vlogs, videos, town halls and newsletters.
We’re always up for a challenge and are happy to connect with you.
Client Features
YCAP Market Grand Opening 
Congratulations to our friends at Woods Homes’ Youth Culinary Arts Program (YCAP) Market on the success of their grand opening! We were pleased to volunteer our time to contribute to their strategy and join them for the big day. The event was well attended by key stakeholders, including Mayor Jyoti Gondek, where she received a curated basket of “Jyoti’s Jam”. Located at 1008 14 St S.E., The YCAP Market features food and products manufactured by clients learning to cook and prepare high-quality meals at home with the guidance of Red Seal chefs. Many students in the YCAP program come from difficult backgrounds and gain critical life and work skills. YCAP Market is open Wednesday to Friday from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Calgary Flames Playoff season had the Blue Flame Kitchen seeing RED 
Playoff season took the province by storm as Albertans rallied behind their home teams during the first Battle of Alberta in 31 years. With some creative thinking and nimble action from our team, we helped Calgary’s Blue Flame Kitchen café turn RED overnight. The temporary rebrand included a new logo, staff members adorned in red and Red Flame Kitchen “Game Day Feasts.” We hand-delivered meals to our media and influencer friends across the city to add to the buzz.
SocialWest Highlight
Our founder and principal Paula recently spoke at Western Canada’s largest digital marketing conference, SocialWest. Her session, “Stop Spinning: Tips, Tricks and Inspiration for Strategic PR and Communications”, helped attendees re-think how they are applying PR and communications practices in their businesses. Several of our team members attended the conference and left with notebooks full of new knowledge and ideas for our clients.
Worthy Tip
How to build engagement for social media giveaways
Everyone’s looking to build engagement on social media channels and we’re sharing a few of our tried and true tips below. Questions? Reach out, we’re always happy to help.
Building engagement for social media giveaways:
Build followership and engagement by having entry requirements that include liking and following your account.
Reshare your original giveaway post on stories every day to drive new entries.
Write a clear and concise giveaway caption that clearly outlines how to enter your giveaway.
Share your giveaway with local pages and influencers who can amplify the giveaway.
Don’t forget to write and appropriately post contest rules and regulations.
PR tips from your WPRS team
While media relations is an important part of public relations, it is only one piece of the communications puzzle. A successful media relations campaign should be bolstered by strategic social media, advertising and marketing tactics. This will result in comprehensive coverage across multiple channels. We know a multi-faceted campaign like this can be intimidating so leave it to our team to make your media relations goals a reality!