Five Smart Ways to Position Your Brand Through Storytelling

 In Blog, Thought Leadership

Our Founder Paula Worthington recently had the opportunity to present at SocialatHome, Canada’s Virtual Digital Marketing Conference, which welcomed more than 500 attendees from across the country.

Her topic of choice was “Five Smart Ways to Position Your Brand Through Storytelling”.

Leveraging her own talent of sharing stories, Paula shared anecdotes and real-world examples to inspire others to make their storytelling compelling and unique.

Her top five storytelling tips that are relevant to customers today include:

  1. Spark Joy

A survey compiled by Emotive Technologies measured how consumers are reacting and responding to brands in a COVID-19 world. The key takeaway? Customers are looking for a reason to smile more than ever, yet have never had a tougher time finding one.

  1. Feed Your Why

Consumers are hungry to know your why. Don’t just tell them what you’re selling, but why you do it.

  1. Be Honest

In a world of hick-ups, mess-ups and fake news, honesty is still the best policy for brands.

  1. Let Your Customer Be the Hero

Think about the classic hero’s journey – Our hero goes on an adventure, is victorious in a divisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed. This is the storyline of the world’s best stories. In your brand story, let your customer be your hero. Their journey might be as simple as a trip to the grocery store or an online purchase – can you transform their heart and mind in the process?

  1. Be Helpful

Don’t define your brand with boundaries on where you choose to be helpful. Make it an engrained practice in your culture and communications. Your customers will thank you with loyalty.

Last, she talked about how to deliver your messages, and the importance of clarity.

A good story is a shared experience, is memorable, authentic, it stirs emotion and creates connection. How does your brand story stack up?

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