Three ways to add fun back into your life post-pandemic

After more than 15 months of worry and stress, people are ready to add play back into their lives, and Judy Riege, founder of Connected Leaders, is here to help. Judy was a guest on CTV Morning Live Calgary last week and  shared a few ways we can emerge from the pandemic prioritizing fun!

An expert in leadership from the classroom to the boardroom, Judy addresses the effect the pandemic has had on children, but notes that fun is for people of all ages. “Play for me stands for, putting love, laughter and learning around yourself,” says Judy.

PLLLAY = Putting Love, Laughter & Learning Around Yourself

Judy’s tips for how to add “PLLLAY” into your life:

1. Play with questions

Judy highlights how playing with your family will look different for everyone, but suggests an open dialogue that encourages play. One suggestion is to spark curiosity through age appropriate questions like, “What’s been the highlight of your day?” for teens and, “If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?” for school aged children. Creating space for dialogue and playing through conversations can strengthen relationships and increase familial bonds.

2. Create a “play-list”

As we emerge from the pandemic, it seems more appropriate than ever to implement a “play-list.” Judy suggests brainstorming ideas as a family that you want to learn more about this summer (or throughout the year). After over a year and a half in lockdown, you might be surprised at some of the conversations sparked through your brainstorming! Your “play-list” could include jams for getting chores done, new foods to cook or try, and activities or places on your travel list! The options are endless, and your family will love the new (or old) experiences!

3. Capture memories and family wins all year long

The silver lining of the pandemic has meant families are spending more time together than ever, something we can take for granted. Judy’s final tip focuses on the positivity that comes from paying attention to life’s simple joys! Judy was gifted a “good times jar” from a close friend, and now considers it to be one of the greatest gifts she’s ever received. Throughout the year, she and her family remember funny moments, proud moments, accomplishments and milestones by writing the memory on a piece of paper and adding it to the “good times jar”. Celebrating wins with loved ones on New Year’s Eve sparks some of her favourite conversations all year. “When we look back on the year and all the things we did that were fun and playful, it usually creates more laughter and some new thinking about what we want to do in the year ahead”, says Judy.

While we are all eager to move forward after the pandemic, it is important to remember to play, no matter your age! To watch the whole segment on CTV Morning Live, click here. Interested in learning more about Judy Riege and Connected Leaders? Visit


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